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. Good Health and Good Taste Suppliers of Quality Soy Products . .
WHAT ARE WE DOING ABOUT… GENETICALLY ENGINEERED INGREDIENTS At Bean Supreme we do not use genetically modified (GM) ingredients. We go to great lengths only source certified non-genetically modified (non-GM) ingredients, verifying each batch of soy beans is Non-GM through testing. ORGANICS Bean Supreme use a mixture of non-GM conventionally grown soybeans and non-GM certified organic soybeans. Look out for one of the tofu's we produce which is 100% organic certified, which you can find in your local food store where ranged. PALM OIL We do NOT use palm oil in any of our products. We do use coconut, canola or sunflower oils depending on the product. REDUCING OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT We are big supporters of using locally sourced ingredients where we can. Ten years ago you couldn't find commercial soy beans of NZ origin. Bean Supreme initiated & nurtured a partnership with a NZ grower from Motueka to produce locally grown soy beans for us. This first crop in 2008 supplied 10% our soybean requirements and now NZ grown soybeans make up over 50% of our requirements and growing! RECYCLING & WASTE MANAGEMENT At Bean Supreme we are serious about reducing our impact on the environment In 1995 we committed to a policy that sees us recycle: • All of our paperboard and packaging • All our office paper is recycled through Full Circle • All our cans & metal are recycled through the city council In 2010 we invested in high tech cooling systems that filter & recycle water in our product cooling baths, to reduce our water usage. We filter and remove wastes to minimize our load on waste water purification in partnership with Water Care Services. WE LOVE ANIMALS We try hard to produce products that support the health and vitality of all creatures and ecosystems of our "Island" home. For example our own iconic N.Z. Kiwi's in the Otorohanga Zoo have been dining daily on our tofu which we donate. Website: www.beansupreme.co.nz /Phone +64 9 829 5700 Fax +64 9 829 5703 Email us along with your details to: [email protected] Address LHF Ltd 395 Rosebank Road, Avondale, Auckland New Zealand Postal LHF Ltd Private Bag 19983 Avondale Auckland 1746 .
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